Saturday, April 20, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Price: $10 - $25
Morning Glori Farmette
131 Navy Lane
Evesham, NJ 08053
Morning Glori Farmette
Event Description
Step into the world of alpacas for a day filled with fun, education, and relaxation. Start by feeding these gentle creatures, a moment that promises to be both heartwarming and entertaining.
Afterward, join a leisurely walk across the scenic grounds, an ideal setting to bond with the alpacas and snap some unforgettable photos.
Build a Bailey's (stuffable alpacas) and other crafts will be available.
This immersive event not only provides a unique way to spend the day but also supports the ongoing care of the alpacas, offering a fulfilling way to give back to these adorable animals.
Visits to the Farmette are by appointment only.
Additional Information
If Available: there will be one group alpaca walk.
Please purchase 1 walk ticket ($25) for 1 person in your group and the tour tickets ($10) for the remaining people in your group. The balance will be collected onsite via Venmo or Cash ($15 balance for each person participating in walk).
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