Hudson Pride Center
Offering free services to support, affirm, and connect LGBTQ communities to each other and the services they need.
Web & Social Links

Fostering young people of all identities by providing inclusive sex education and LGBTQ+ support for individuals in NJ.
Web & Social Links

Queer Headed
Providing queer community events, support, and resources to LGBTQ residents facing adversity and stigma.
Web & Social Links

Pride Center of NJ
Providing a safe and welcoming space for all LGBTQ+ residents in need of a support system.
Web & Social Links

Garden State Equality
Empowering the diverse voices of New Jersey LGBTQ+ communities through education & advocacy.
Web & Social Links

Edge NJ
Providing prevention strategies and supportive services to those living with HIV and at risk LGBTQ+ communities.
Web & Social Links

Atlantic County Queer Alliance
Building a foundation of community among South Jersey's LGBTQIA+ organizations and residents.
Web & Social Links

Essex County LGBT Rain Foundation
Providing emergency shelter services to LGBTQ adolescents experiencing homelessness.
Web & Social Links

Bergen County LGBTQ+ Alliance
Providing resources and safe spaces that allow LGBTQ+ individuals living in Bergen County to be their true selves.
Web & Social Links

Sam & Devorah Foundation for Transgender Youth
Empowering trans and nonbinary youth & young adults to live their truth.
Web & Social Links

Gay Activist Alliance
in Morris County
Maintaining a positive and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ residents.
Web & Social Links

PFLAG Jersey Shore
Ensuring that all people are valued regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Web & Social Links

Newark LGBTQ Community Center
Providing safe spaces, programs, and services supporting the well-being of LGBTQ residents in Newark.
Web & Social Links

AC Pride
Promoting the health and well-being of the diverse LGBTQIA+ communities throughout Atlantic City and New Jersey.
Web & Social Links

Prevention Resource Link
Providing high impact prevention services to assist people who are at high risk for HIV transmission.
Web & Social Links

Jersey City Pride
Promoting equality and inclusion while serving as a beacon for diversity, inclusivity, and LGBTQ+ celebration.
Web & Social Links
Give Local:
Support NJ Nonprofits
While New Jersey's queer community has made great strides, there are many still facing stigmas and phobias.
Thankfully, there are local nonprofits providing peer support, advocacy initiatives, and safe spaces throughout New Jersey.
Together with your support, LGBTQ+ organizations can continue to encourage residents to live with pride.
The opportunities are here.
Be the change: Give Local.
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