Thursday, March 7, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Price: Free
HMC Education Center
215 Route 31 South
Flemington, NJ 08822
Hunterdon Health
Event Description
This support group, with facilitation from a board-certified lactation consultant, offers nursing mothers a safe space to share information, knowledge, and experiences in a relaxed and caring environment.
Parents are often encouraged to learn positions such as the "football hold" or the "cross-cradle" when breastfeeding.
Although these techniques are important, there are also factors like instinct, body awareness, patience, and much more.
If you're already nursing but experiencing pain, anxiety, exhaustion, or resentment towards your baby, attend this class and learn ways to reverse these issues.
Family members and birth professionals are also welcome!
No registration is required.
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