Monday, March 11, 2024
3:00 AM - 4:30 AM
Price: Free
Upon registration
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The Glass Touch Interiors
Event Description
Set new stiletto high standards for your life, free from guilt or shame.
Learn to prioritize and focus your time and energy on what truly matters in your pursuit of a mind-blowing life.
Release labels that no longer serve you and step into the powerhouse identity you've always deserved.
Unlock the door to a lifestyle that radiates beauty, purpose, and unapologetic self-expression.
Meet The Host
Britney Glass, Transformational Interior Designer & Life Coach, helps women clear their clutter and take up all the space they deserve, so that they can create a life that blows their mind.
She does this through high-touch coaching and design services that focus on holistic transformation from the inside out.
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