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Harriet Tubman Tales
From the Trail's

Black History Month watercolor illustration of Harriet Tubman seeing a vision looking up at the stars.

Monday, February 26, 2024

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Price: Free

Ocean County Library -
Waretown Branch

112 Main St
Waretown, NJ 08758

Ocean County Library

Event Description

Storyteller Michelle Washington Wilson will present a special glimpse into the life and times of Harriet Tubman, abolitionist, Underground Railroad conductor, and women's suffrage supporter who traveled through the State of New Jersey.

As a border state between the North and South, New Jersey provided a safe haven for escaping slaves and had several Underground Railroad stations, explaining its crucial role in abolishing slavery.

Registration is required.

Additional Information

This event is sponsored by the friends of the Waretown Library.

NJ Proudly Celebrates
Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual observance in February that celebrates the achievements and contributions of African Americans to American history, culture, and society. Established in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson; Black History Month reflects on the struggles, highlights the triumphs, and provides inspiration to future generations.

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Credits Content Contributors


  • Darren Newell Lead Writer
  • Louie Tendero Calendar Logistics
  • Sheilla Andal Image Processing
  • Joe Campbell Calendar Supervision & Coding

Special thanks to all who contributed to the content on this page.