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Multicultural Folk Dance

Musicians, singers, and dancers in costumes performing on stage to live audience. Image produced by More Jersey.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

5:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Price: $10 - $20

Hungarian American Athletic Club

233 Somerset St
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Csűrdöngölő Folk Ensemble

Event Description

Prepare for a thrilling dance gathering, featuring special guests native to Hungary.

Experience dances from various ethnic groups, presented in traditional costumes by local NJ folk dance performing groups.

After the performances, learn the dances firsthand from the group leaders in a series of fast-paced, interactive workshops. No prior dance knowledge is necessary.

In addition,watch as the Vadrózsa Folk Dance Group from Budapest, treat the audience to a spectacular highlight performance commemorating the revolution and freedom struggle of October 23, 1956.

Additional Information

Reserve your seats: by voicemail or texting your name and the total number in your party to 908-605-0091.

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Credits Content Contributors


  • Darren Newell Lead Writer
  • Louie Tendero Calendar Logistics
  • Sheilla Andal Image Processing
  • Joe Campbell Calendar Supervision & Coding

Special thanks to all who contributed to the content on this page.