Saturday, April 6, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Price: $70 - $2,500
Frick Chemistry Laboratory
Corner Of Scholar Way And Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Princeton Quant Trading
Event Description
Dive into the evolving world of fintech and quantitative finance at this leading conference, tailored for enthusiasts, professionals, and scholars alike.
Engage with experts and innovators through a series of talks, panels, and workshops designed to explore the latest trends, technologies, and strategies in the field.
Expand your network, discover cutting-edge solutions, and gain insights from thought leaders to stay ahead in the rapidly changing financial landscape.
The conference seeks to bring together a unique cross-section of leading experts from academia, industry, and government in a relaxed intellectual environment to catalyze discussions and strengthen ties across traditional boundaries.
Below are just a few of the companies that have been represented and recruited at previous conferences: Bloomberg, Barclays, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Two Sigma, and many more.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Additional Information
Conference sponsors want to meet students 1-on-1 at the conference to discuss employment opportunities. If interested, share your resume with the companies represented at the conference, by uploading your resume as a single page pdf document named ‘FirstName_LastName_Resume.pdf’ to the following Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/request/ep6ltlxENsPXlpFH4iFL
Interested corporate representatives will reach out to you directly.
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