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Reimagining Safety:
Police Abolition Documentary

Police squad prepared for a hostile situation equipped with body armor, shields, and batons.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Price: Free

Rider University

2083 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Trenton Anti-Violence Coalition

Event Description

Following the murder of George Floyd, many calls were made to defund and abolish the police system but, in the end there was no true conversation about improving public safety.

"Reimagining Safety", directed by Matthew Solomon, challenges the conventional belief that policing alone can address all societal safety issues.

In this film, 10 experts discuss how policing and incarceration create more harm than good, why the system persists, and what changes can be made to make everyone safe.

NJ Proudly Celebrates
Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual observance in February that celebrates the achievements and contributions of African Americans to American history, culture, and society. Established in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson; Black History Month reflects on the struggles, highlights the triumphs, and provides inspiration to future generations.

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Credits Content Contributors


  • Dr. Reggie Walker Event Suggestion
  • Darren Newell Lead Writer
  • Louie Tendero Calendar Logistics
  • Sheilla Andal Image Processing
  • Joe Campbell Calendar Supervision & Coding

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