Saturday, April 13, 2024
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Price: Free
Historic Smithville
615 E Moss Mill Road
Smithville, NJ 08205
Boy Scouts of America,
Jersey Shore Council
Event Description
Engage in various activities for a unique display of Scouting tradition, games, and outdoor programs.
This event will consist of live demonstrations, and exhibits conducted by Scouts of all ages.
Intended for boys and girls ages 5 - 18 years old.
Activities include:
- Archery & BB Gun Range
- Pinewood Derby
- Raingutter Regatta
- Veggie Track
- Knot Station
- Lashings Station
- Camping
- Face Painting
- Stem Activities
Special Events:
- Fire Truck Tour - 10:00 AM
- CoastGuard Helicopter Fly Over Demo - 1:00 PM
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