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Using AI to Increase
Marketing Productivity

Digital illustration of an artificial intelligence micro chip. Image produced by More Jersey.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Price: Free

Upon registration
you will receive an event link via email

SCORE Mentors

Event Description

Receive tips on how-to incorporate AI into your marketing and recommendations to ensure your messages are compelling to your audience and save time producing content.

The session is designed to teach you:

  • What AI is and how it works
  • How to use AI in your marketing to save time and inspire your messages
  • Tips for using AI-generated content

About the Presenters

Catrine Fredrikson is the president and owner of EZY Marketing and has over 20 years of experience in the field of digital marketing. She is a speaker and educator in the area of online marketing with speaking engagements at SCORE, SBA, local chambers and for professional organizations. With a strong online presence, she offers live webinars and YouTube recordings EZY Marketing's channel.

Dixie Punsky is the digital marketing manager at EZY Marketing. She is a University of Florida grad with 16 years of experience in public relations and communications. An accomplished speaker and former Toastmasters president, she levies her skills in writing, design, and social media to help small business owners thrive.

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Credits Content Contributors


  • Darren Newell Lead Writer
  • Louie Tendero Calendar Logistics
  • Sheilla Andal Image Processing
  • Joe Campbell Calendar Supervision & Coding

Special thanks to all who contributed to the content on this page.