Wednesday, March 27, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Price: Free
Upon registration
you will receive an event link via email
Englewood Public Library
Event Description
Join historian Mary Rasa for an insightful discussion on the first women in the military and their civilian defense worker counterparts.
Learn about female civilian defense workers, the Women's Army Corps, and other women's contributions, experiences, and the diverse fields they served, from motor pools to war zones.
Rasa has been a museum curator and park ranger for the NPS for 16 years, conducting over 1,000 programs for all ages.
Don't miss this engaging presentation shedding light on women's often overlooked but crucial role.
Registration is required and will take place on Zoom:
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81648190762?pwd=Wlh5RXNFMXdUamYvOHJUSDVnTTAyQT09
Meeting ID: 816 4819 0762Passcode: 127395
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